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Monday, July 24, 2017

HSC English Furst Paper

English (Compulsory) First Paper
Part I: Reading Test (60 marks)

1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
Nelson Mandela guided South Africa from the shackles of apartheid to a multi-racial democracy, as an icon of peace and reconciliation who came to embody the struggle for justice around the world. Imprisoned for nearly three decades for his fight against white minority rule, Mandela never lost his resolve to fight for his people’s emancipation. He was determined to bring down apartheid while avoiding a civil war. His prestige and charisma helped him win the support of the world. æI hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I will fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days,” Mandela said in his acceptance speech on becoming South Africa’s first black president in 1994, … æThe time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come.” æWe have, at last, achieved our political emancipation.” In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an honour he shared with F.W. de Klerk, the white African leader who had freed him from prison three years earlier and negotiated the end of apartheid. Mandela went on to play a prominent role on the world stage as an advocate of human dignity in the face of challenges ranging from political repression to AIDS. th He formally left public life in June 2004 before his 86 birthday, telling his adoring countrymen: æDon’t call me. I’ll call you.” But he remained one of the world’s most revered public figures, combining celebrity sparkle with an unwavering message of freedom, respect and human rights. æHe is at the epicenter of our time, ours in South Africa, and yours, wherever you are,” Nadine Gordimer, the South African writer and Nobel Laureate for Literature, once remarked. The years Mandela spent behind bars made him the world’s most celebrated political prisoner and a leader of mythic stature for millions of black South Africans and other oppressed people far beyond his country’s borders. Charged with capital offences in the 1963 Rivonia Trial, his statement from the dock was his political testimony. æDuring my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.” æI have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities,” he told the court. æIt is an ideal I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” Friends adored Mandela and fondly called him æMadiba”, the clan name by which he was known. People lauded his humanity, kindness and dignity.                                                                                                                                                     [Unit-1; Lesson-1]
e½vbyev` t mvivwe‡k¦ b¨v‡qi c‡ÿ msMÖvg‡K mvdj¨gwÛZ Ki‡Z, kvwšÍ I msnwZi Av`k© wn‡m‡e †bjmb g¨v‡Ûjv `wÿY Avwd«Kv‡K eY©ev‡`i †kKj †_‡K eûRvwZK MYZ‡š¿i c‡_ PvwjZ K‡iwQ‡jb| †k¦Zv½ msL¨vjNy kvm‡bi weiy‡× msMÖv‡gi Kvi‡Y cÖvq wZb `kK Kviv †fv‡Mi ciI g¨v‡Ûjv Zuvi gvby‡li gyw³i Rb¨ msMÖv‡gi `„pmsKí n‡Z KLbI m‡i hvb wb| M„nhy× Gwo‡q eY©ev`‡K wbwðý K‡i w`‡Z wZwb `„pcÖwZÁ wQ‡jb| Zuvi gh©v`v I Drmvn`v‡bi ÿgZv mviv we‡k¦i mg_©b AR©‡b Zuv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i|
ÒAvwg RvwZMZ ˆelg¨‡K cÖPÛfA‡e N„bv Kwi Ges Zv †h †Kv‡bv wKQz‡ZB cÖZxqgvb †nvK bv †Kb| Avwg mviv Rxeb Gi weiy‡× msMÖvg K‡iwQ, GL‡bv KiwQ Ges Avgvi Rxe‡bi †kl w`b ch©šÍ Zv Pvwj‡q hve|Ó 1994 mv‡j `wÿY Avwd«Kvi cÖ_g K…òv½ ivóªcwZ nIqvq Zuvi Awfev`b fvl‡Y g¨v‡Ûjv e‡jb|...ÒÿZ mvov‡bvi mgq G‡m ‡M‡Q| †h `y¯Íi e¨eavb Avgv‡`i c„_K K‡i †i‡LwQj Zvi †bZ…e܇bi gyûZ© nvwRi n‡q‡Q|Ó ÒAvgiv Ae‡k‡l Avgv‡`i ivR‰bwZK gyw³ AR©b K‡iwQ|Ó GK †¤^Zv½ Avwd«Kvb †bZv whwb Zuv‡K wZb eQi cy‡e© KvivMvi †_‡K gy³ Kivb Ges eY©‰elg¨ bxwZ wbim‡b ga¨¯ÍZv K‡ib †mB Gd. WvweøD. wn K¬vK© Gi mv‡_ †hŠ_fv‡e g¨v‡Ûjv 1993 mv‡j †bv‡ej kvwšÍ cyi®‹vi jvf K‡ib| ivR‰bwZK wbcxob n‡Z ïiy K‡i GBWm ch©šÍ mewKQzi weiy‡× gvby‡li m¤§v‡bi c‡ÿi GKRb cÖe³v wn‡m‡e, g¨v‡Ûjv wek¦g‡Â GKwU ¸iyZ¡cyY© fzwgKv cvjb K‡i‡Qb|
2004 mv‡j Ryb gv‡m Zuvi 86 Zg Rb¥w`‡bi cy‡e© wZwb AvbyôvwbKfv‡e Zuvi ivR‰bwZK Rxeb †_‡K Aemi MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Zuvi wcÖq †`kevmxi D‡Ïk¨ e‡jb,ÒAvgv‡K WvK‡eb bv| AvwgB Avcbv‡`i WvKe|Ó wKš‘ wZwb c„w_exi me‡P‡q m¤§vwbZ weL¨vZ e¨w³‡`i GKRb n‡qB iB‡jb, GKB m‡½ wZwb wQ‡jb ¯^vaxbZv, m¤§vb I gvbevwaKv‡ii AwePj evZ©vmn GK mgwš^Z KxwZ©gvb bÿÎ| ÒwZwb Avgv‡`i mg‡qi †K›`ªwe›`y‡Z Av‡Qb, Avgv‡`i GB `wÿY Avwd«Kv‡Z Ges †Zvgv‡`i Kv‡QI, †Zvgiv †hLv‡bB _vK bv †Kb,Ó `wÿY Avwd«Kvi †jLK I mvwn‡Z¨ †bv‡ej weRqx bvw`b MwW©gvi GK`v gšÍe¨ K‡iY| KvivMv‡i g¨v‡Ûjvi eQi¸‡jv Zv‡K c„w_exi me‡P‡q Rbwcªq ivR‰bwZK e›`x‡Z Ges jÿ jÿ K…òv½ `wÿY Avwd«Kvevwmi Ges Zuvi ivôªxq mxgvbv †cwi‡q Ab¨vb¨ †kvwlZ gvby‡li AZxw›`ªq gh©v`vm¤úbœ GK †bZv‡Z cwiYZ K‡iwQj|
1963 mv‡ji wi‡fvwbqv gvgjvq cÖvY`Û Aciv‡a Awfhy³ n‡q, KvVMovq `uvwo‡q Zuvi e³e¨B Zuvi ivR‰bwZK cwiPq cÖ`vb K‡i| ÒAvgvi RxeÏkvq Avwd«Kvi gvby‡li GB msMÖv‡g Avwg wb‡R‡K DrmM© K‡iwQ| Avwg †k¦Zv½ KZ©…‡Z¡i weiy‡× msMÖvg K‡iwQ, Ges Avwg K…òv½ KZ…©‡Z¡i wiey‡× msMÖvg K‡iwQ|Ó ÒAvwg GKwU MYZvwš¿K I gy³ mgv‡Ri Av`k© jvjb Kwi †hLv‡b mevB m¤úªxwZ I mgvb my‡hvM-myweav wb‡q evm K‡i,Ó wZwb Av`vj‡Z e‡jb| ÒGUv GKwU Av`k© hv AR©‡bi Rb¨ Avwg euvPvi Avkv Kwi| wKš‘ hw` cÖ‡qvRb nq, GUv GKwU Av`k© hvi Rb¨ Avwg gi‡ZI cÖ¯‘Z|Ó eÜyiv Ôg¨v‡ÛjvÕ‡K Mfxifv‡e kÖ×v KiZ Ges Zv‡K Ôgvw`evÕ e‡j WvKZ, GUv Zuvi †MvÎ bvg †h bv‡g wZwb cwiwPZ| gvbyl Zuvi gvwbweKZv, `qv I gh©v`vi fzqmx cÖksmv KiZ|
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:                                                                                                  1×5 = 5
a. What does apartheid refer to in the first paragraph?
i) apart
ii) distance
iii) discrimination
iv) dialogue
b. race discrimination (line 6) refers to Í
i) differences on the basis of caste, creed and colour
iii) demoralization of people
ii) competition among the members of a race
iv) domination of others
c. The word 'ideal' (line 25) refers to Í
i) a person or thing  regarded as perfect
ii) a principle to be aimed at
iii) a struggle for prosperity
iv)the comfortable situation
d. In a democratic and free society Í
i) the minorities are given special opportunities
ii) the majorities are given special opportunities
iii) everybody enjoys equal opportunities
iv) a chosen class enjoy better opportunities
e. "I have fought it all during my life." What does ‘it’ refer to here?
ii) a Civil War
iii) race discrimination
iv) South Africa’s President ship
(f) Mandela shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Í.
(i) Nadine Gordiman
(ii) Einstein
(iii) F.W. de Klerk
(iv) Rontgen
(g) What does the phrase 'charged with' mean?
(i) demanded
(ii) attacked
(iii) bleamed
(iv) accused of
(h) What is the closest meaning of the word 'negotiate'?
(i) signify
(ii) converse
(iii) bargain
(iv) broker
(i) Mandela suffered imprisonment for 
(i) nearly 15 years
(ii) nearly 20 years
(iii) nearly 25 years
(iv) nearly 30 years
(j) "We have at last achieved our political emancipation."- What does it imply?
(i) South Africa was freed
(ii) Racial discrimination was abolished
(iii) Mandela became the President of South Africa
(iv) Mandela drove away the white minorities from South Africa
Answer:  1. A. a. iii) discrimination; b. i) differences on the basis of caste, creed and colour; c. ii) a principle to be aimed at; d. iii) everybody enjoys equal opportunities; e. iii) race discrimination. (f) (iii) F.W.de Klerk (g) (iv) accused of (h) (ii) converse (i) (iv) nearly 30 years (j) (ii) racial discrimination was abolished
B. Answer the following questions. 2  5 = 10
(a) When did he become the first Black President of South Africa? What did he say in his inaugural speech as President?
(b) What was Nelson Mandela's dream? For whom did he fight and how?
(c) What did he say in the court of Rivonia Trial?
(d) Who was Nadine Gordimer and what did he remark about Mandela?
(e) What made him the world's most revered and celebrated public figure?
f. From your reading of the 1st and 2nd paragraph, mention the reasons of Nelson Mandela’s struggle.
g. Why can Nelson Mandela be called "an icon of peace and reconciliation"?
h. Who was F.W. de Klerk? What do you know about him from the passage?
i. What is the ideal of Mandela? Do you support his ideal? Why/Why not? Explain in 2/3 sentences.
j. Do you know any other leader who struggled like Nelson Mandela? Write in brief.
Answer: (a) He became the first Black President of South Africa in 1994. In his inaugural speech after accepting Presidency he said, "The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come. We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation."
(b) Nelson Mandela's dream was to gain freedom for the Black Africans of South Africa and to achieve political emancipation for them. He fought for the Black South Africans to bring down racial discrimination by avoiding a civil war through a non-violent movement.
(c) Charged with capital offences in the 1963 Rivonia Trial, his statement from the dock bore his political testimony. He said, "During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination as well. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities."
(d) Nadine Gordimer was a South African writer and Nobel Laureate for Literature, who remarked, "Nelson Mandela is at the epicenter of our time, ours in South Africa, and yours, wherever you are."
(e) Nelson Mandela's imprisoned life for nearly three decades made him the world's most revered political prisoner and a celebrated public figure of mythic stature for millions of Black South Africans and other oppressed people far beyond his country's borders.
f. The first and second paragraphs clearly show that Nelson Mandela struggled for the emancipation of black people from the shackles of apartheid. He also wanted to bridge the chasms that created division among people and establish multi- racial democracy.
g. Nelson Mandela led South Africa to breaking the shackles of apartheid. He tended to build a multi-racial democracy without shedding a drop of blood. That is why, Mandela can be called "an icon of peace and reconciliation."
h. F.W. de Klerk was a white African leader who freed Nelson Mandela from prison and negotiated the end of apartheid in South Africa. He also shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Mandela.
i. Mandela’s ideal is the establishment of a democratic and free society in which all people can live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. I support his ideal by all means. It is because, without equal rights and social harmony that democracy ensures, none can live independently and comfortably in his/her state. I think, deprivation of democracy means deprivation of freedom. So, we should be determined to establish our freedom by establishing a democratic society even in exchange of our lives.

j. Yes, I know a leader of our country who struggled like Nelson Mandela. He is none but Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Nelson Mandela struggled for the emancipation of his people from the white minority rule. Likewise, Bangabandhu struggled for the emancipation of his people from the shackles of the oppressive Pakistani rulers.

Friday, July 21, 2017

HSC English

HSC English First Paper (Ques. No-11)
1) Write down the theme of the following story (Not more than 50 words).
Zaman and Mintu are two friends, lived near a deep forest. One day they decided to see elephant. So they went into the forest. As they were talking walking gossiping and discussing about the biggest animal of the world, it made them curious.
At the time of their gossiping and walking into the forest they saw many animals but did not see any
elephant walking few minutes suddenly they saw a lion and they became very fear and hid beside a big tree. And so they saved them from the ferociousness of the lion. Now they were discussing each other about the fear and made some tricks how to face upcoming problem. However, they were able to save themselves and started to walk again. But they walked, walked and walked through the forest, could not find any elephant. They became hopeless but God granted their hope. At the time of their walking suddenly they heard the high sound of leg on the earth. Firstly, they did not understand what it was and then they understood that it was nothing but an elephant.
As they knew the elephant textually but not practically, their joys knew no bounds. So they started to walk toward the elephant and became very curious and attractive. But, as soon as when they about to the elephant it tried to attack them. So they ran very fast and saved themselves again from the ferociousness of the biggest animal of the world.
Answer: The theme of the story is curiosity and its positive effect. Curiosity makes people learn many thing. Out of curiosity Zaman and Mintu went to a forest to see elephant. From the various incidents they faced in the jungle, they learn some tricks how to save life. But it is because of their curiosity they also succeeded to see an elephant practically for the first time.

2) Write down the theme of the following poem (Not more than 50 words). 08
Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a pained ship,
Upon a Painted ocean.
Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, everywhere.
Nor any drop to drink.
Answer: The lines indicate that the speaker is on ship and the ship stucked in a ocean for several days. The ocean is like painted. The speaker and his companions cannot move further. The ship is as motionless as a ship painted in a picture. They are almost dying of thirst but tragedy is that having limitless water around them they cannot even drink a drop of water.

learn html

 HSC ICT (Chapter 04, Lecture 01)

1) What is HTML?
Answer: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a mark up language used to create web pages for the display over the internet. HTML is the basis of the whole World Wide Web or WWW. HTML has a very well defined syntax; all the HTML documents have to follow the syntax.
Dear learners now let‟s an overview of – HTML
i) HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is used to create webpage. All the Web Pages communicate through this language.
ii) HTML is platform independent language - can be used on any platform such as Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and so on.
iii) Its collection of “TAGS” that are used to make web documents that are displayed using browsers on internet.
iv) To write HTML coding we need a text editor. We can use Notepad or any other text editor like dream viewer or front-page, Notepad is the most simple text editor.
v) All the HTML documents should have the extension  either the.htm or the.html.
vi) HTML can also be used to include Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material.
vii) It can embed scripts in languages such as VB Script, JavaScript which change the behavior of HTML web pages.
viii) User can make a link to the other document or the different section of the same document by creating Hypertext Links also known as Hyperlinks.
2) What is HTML Tags? 
Answer: HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags. HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like <html>. Most HTML tags normally come in pairs like <HTML> and </HTML>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag; the second tag is the end tag. Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags. All HTML tags are enclosed in angle brackets „<‟ and „>‟ i.e. Opening Tag: <HTML> and closing tag: </HTML>. The closing tag is the same as the opening tag except a / (slash) mark e.g. </HTML>. Tags are used to represent various elements of web page like Header, Footer, Title, Images etc. Tags are of two types
i)  Container and
ii) Empty Tags
Container Tags: Tags which have both the opening and closing i.e.<TAG> and </TAG> are called container tags. Container tags hold the text and other HTML tags in between the tags. The <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE> and <BODY> etc. tags are all container tags.
<BODY> this is a container tag. It holds both the text and HTML tag</BODY>
Empty Tags: Tags, which have only opening tag and no ending tag, are called empty tags. The <HR>, which is used to draw horizontal, rule across the width of the document, line break <BR> tags, etc are empty tags.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

14 th NTRCA Exam Preparation.

Lesson 3: Greetings and Farewells at Night
On completion of this lesson you will be able to-
♦ exchange greetings and farewells at night.

Read the following text carefully and try to understand the situation
It’s around 8 o’clock in the evening. Manik meets Saleh at a party. They haven’t seen each other for quite some time. Manik is studying economics in Bangkok, Thailand. He is now in Dhaka on holiday.

3.1. Answer the following questions orally
i) What time does Manik meet Saleh?
ii) What is Manik studying?
iii) Why is he in Dhaka Now?

Practice the following among yourselves
Manik : Hello, Saleh. Nice to see you again.
Saleh : Hello, Manik. Haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?
Manik : I’ve been in Bangkok.
Saleh : Bangkok? What are you doing there?
Manik : Studying economics. I’m on a holiday here.
Saleh : So, are you going back?
Manik : Yes, I’m leaving tomorrow.
Saleh : Oh, we will miss you. Anyway have a nice trip.
Manik : Thanks. But I think I must leave now. See you later. Good night.
Saleh : Good night.

Read and Note
Read the following
Nice to see you again.
Good to see you again.
Haven’t seen you for ages (for a very long time)
Trip : a short journey
Have a pleasant journey/ have a nice trip -
It is a good wish for someone who is going away to another place.

haven’t = have not.

3.2. Exercise
1. Maya went to Barisal.
Maya is’t in Barisal now.
Maya has come back to Dhaka.
Maya is in Dhaka now.
Maya ………………….. to barisal.
2. I went to the post office this morning
I’m not in the post office now.
I came back home at noon.
I’m at home now.
I ……………………….. office.
3. Rafiq went to Savar.
He isn’t Savar now.
He has come back to Dhaka.
He’s in Dhaka now.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

14 th NTRCA Exam Preparation. (Math)

Lesson 2: Revision: Introductions, Greetings and Farewells

On completion of this lesson you will be able to-
♦ respond to the situations involving introductions, greetings and farewells.

Read the following text carefully and try to understand the situation
Mrs. Fatema Karim is attending a conference on TESOL in New York. TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Participants from all over the world have come. It’s tea- break on the first day of the conference. Mr. Brown comes up and introduces himself to Mrs. Karim.

2.1. Answer the following questions orally
i) Who have come from all over the world?
ii) Why have they come to New York?
iii) Who introduces himself to Mrs. Fatema Karim?

Practice the following among yourselves
Mr. Brown : Hello! May I introduce myself. My name is Douglas. Douglas Brown.
Mrs. Karim : How do you do, Mr. Brown? I’m Fatema. Nice to meet you.
Mr. Brown : Nice to meet you too. Shall we sit down somewhere and talk?
Mrs. Karim : Sure. Let’s sit over there.

Read and Note
Read the following
When there’s nobody to introduce you, say
May I introduce myself. My name is (or I’m)
In answer you may also say-
Glad/ Nice to meet you.

2.2 Answer Orally
i) What is Mrs. Fatema Karim doing in New York?
ii) What is TESOL?
iii) Who introduces himself to Mrs. Fatema Karim?
iv) How does Mr. Brown introduce himself?

Practice the following among yourselves
Hello, Shuman. How are you?
Fine, thanks. How are you?
Good morning, Raj.
Morning, Kamal. How are you?
Fine, thanks. And you?
Fine. thank you.
Hello, Mishu. Meet my sister Sheela.
Nice to meet you, Sheela.
Nice to meet you too.

2.3. Exercise
Make Sentences/ dialogues with the following expressions.
1. Hello. : ----------------------------------------.
2. See you later. : ----------------------------------------.
3. Good-bye. : ----------------------------------------.
4. Good night. : ----------------------------------------.
5. How do you do? : ----------------------------------------?
6. How are you? : ----------------------------------------?
7. Good afternoon. : ----------------------------------------.
8. Nice to meet you. : ----------------------------------------.

HSC English First Paper. (Ques. No. 3)

3. Write a summary of the following text.
These fairy-faced ravishers of the heart move with a thousand blandishments and coquetries; the earth is transformed into a paradise, and heaven itself hangs down its head in shame at seeing such beauty ... As soon as I saw this place I involuntarily exclaimed :
If there's a heaven on the face of the earth,
it is this! It is this! It is this!
Brick buildings in Bengal have rooms with high ceilings and large doors and windows, so that there is a soothing current of air in hot weather. It is exactly opposite in Europe. There is extreme cold, frost and snow; the ceilings are low, and the doors and windows small. The roofs are not flat like the roofs of brick buildings in India. Wooden beams and planks are used to build the frame of the roof in the shape of a camel's hump; that is to say, like the slanting thatched roofs of huts in Bengal. But whereas the latter are slightly curved at the end, both slanted halves of European roofs are plain. The frame is then covered with tiles of fired clay or slate. Such roofs last up to two hundred years without repairs, and if they are still intact when the walls have decayed, can be re-utilised. The bricks in the walls are laid with mortar prepared from pulverised stones. Human hair is mixed with the mortar to give added strength to the structure. Houses may be as tall as seven, eight or nine stories, yet the walls are not thicker than a cubit. Consequently the entire building quivers if the wind rises, and strangers may fear for their safety. But there is in reality no cause for fear, though I myself was at first alarmed. The inside walls, instead of being plastered, are lined with wooden planks, which are covered with paper decorated with pretty designs in many colours.
Teak and sal are foreign to Vilayet; houses and ships are built here with oak and walnut. These are light in colour, very sturdy and resistant to white ants and other insects. That is why buildings last so long in this country.                                                                                                   [Unit-15; Lesson-4]
Answer: In this travelogue, the author depicted an enchanting picture of the parks, gardens and houses in London including the King's and the Queen's palaces. The exterior of the King's palace is neither magnificent nor beautiful. But the interior of the King's palace is very elegant. The King's garden has pleasant walks, lawns and neatly arranged beds of various shapes. The Queen's palace is very handsome. The road in front of the Queen's palace is very broad and charming. There are a lot of differences between the buildings of England and those of India in size, construction and use of materials. Moreover, a special kind of house is built to grow the Indian flowers and fruit trees in England.

HSC ICT (Chapter-04. Lecture-16)

To create a buffer zone of white space around the image VSPACE and HSPACE attributes is used. HSPACE is used to insert a buffer of horizontal space on the left and right of the image, whereas VSPACE attribute is used to insert a buffer of vertical space between the top and bottom of the image.
<IMG SRC =shahidminar.jpg VSPACE ="50" HSPACE ="50">

                                                    Figure : Images Vspace and Hspace
33) Border
To add a border around the image the BORDER=" “attribute is used. You can specify the thickness of the border in pixels.
<IMG SRC =shahidminar.jpg BORDER ="10">

                                                      Figure: image with Border
34) Alt Attribute
The alt attribute is an author-defined text and it provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the SRC attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader). In some browsers the description will also pop up when a mouse pointer is moved over the picture.
<IMG SRC =shahidminar.jpg
BORDER ="10" ALT="any
alternative text">
                                                       Figure : Image with Border
<TITLE> IMG with alter
<IMG SRC =shidnar.jpg
BORDER ="10" ALT="any
alternative text">


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