Saturday, July 15, 2017

HSC ICT (Chapter-04, Lecture-13)

28) Nested Order List
One ordered list might contain one or more ordered list that is called as Nested Order lists.
Example: An HTML document nested.html shows the use of Nested Order Lists with attributes.
<TITLE> Example Nested Ordered Lists</TITLE>
<OL TYPE = A >
<LI> Programming Language
<LI> C
<LI> Java
<LI> C++
<LI> Operating Systems
<OL TYPE = i>
<LI> Windows
<LI> Linux
<LI> Unix
                                                   Figure : Nested Ordered Lists with attributes

29) Unordered List <UL>
Unordered List also called as bulleted list, used to present list of items marked with bullets. An unordered list starts with in <UL> followed by <LI> (List Item) tag to delimit each individual list item. Use of <UL> is very similar to <OL> (ordered list).
The following is an example of Unordered List and Various Attributes
<TITLE> Use of Unordered List </TITLE>
<LI> Apple
<LI> Orange
<LI> Mango
<LI> Brinjal
<LI> Potato
<LI> Tomato
When you display the page in a browser it will produce like the following figure which Displaying Unordered Lists in browser
                                                                    Figure : Unordered Lists


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